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Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:41 am
by Gerd

I have a problem with movable colums. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work to move a column in a grid between 2 other columns. I just don't see on which position i have to drop the column. This problem appears with chrome, Firefox and IE 10 on Windows 7.

For one of my customers, the system reacts differently:
If he logs on to his browser with User A he can easily sort the columns. The column can be dropped as soon as the pointer finger of the cursor touches the border between the two target-columns.
If he logs on as user B that no longer works. Same Computer, same browser.

I seem to remind that in an earlier version of ProfoundUI an arrow between the columns appeared if you could release the column to place them here.

Does anyone have an idea how you can solve the problem?

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:09 am
by Scott Klement
I just tried a quick test, and I'm still seeing the arrow between columns without any trouble.

I'm really surprised to hear that it's different for different users on the same PC. The movable columns feature runs entirely in the browser, so the userid that's been used to sign in to the IBM i server should not impact anything at all that I can think of. Unless maybe there's an authority problem when downloading the image that shows the arrow?

The arrow displayed when you drag a column is an image that should be found in the IFS under /www/YOUR-INSTANCE/htdocs/profoundui/proddata/images/grids/column-pointer.gif can you verify that this file is there, and that users have authority to it (there's no harm in giving everyone authority to see this image)

Also from a browser, try viewing the image directly with http://your-ibm-i:8080/profoundui/prodd ... ointer.gif -- this should display the image (which is a very small arrow) in your browser window. If that doesn't work, it will mean that for some reason the user can't get that image. (Then you could check your Apache error log for more details as to why)

Does that help? If none of this helps, I would contact Profound Logic Support so they can work with you on this problem.

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:22 am
by Alex
The movable columns feature has to calculate coordinates, which determines when to display the arrow as you move your mouse. It is possible to throw these calculations off if certain types of changes are made to the overall template (start.html file). Are you running these programs from within Genie? Have there been significant changes made to the start.html template?

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:43 am
by Gerd

thanx for your answers.
@ Scott: File /www/YOUR-INSTANCE/htdocs/profoundui/proddata/images/grids/column-pointer.gif is existing, authority is *PUBLIC *RWX.

@ Alex: I will check, if there were significant changes in start.html. The problem is, we have similar versions in different directories of this file (and i'm not the only user on our system) . How can i find out, which version is used from my instance or from the instance on the customer system?

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:04 am
by Gerd

i've checked another grid and there it works. Unfortunately i haven't checked this before.

The big different between the grid are the number of columns: The "working" grid has 8 columns an it fits on the screen. The "not-working" grid has 79 columns and a vertical scrollbar in a scrollbar-container with overflow-x=scroll and overflow-y=hidden.

Can this be the source of my problem?

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:46 pm
by Scott Wagers

I attempted to reproduce this based on your 79 column description, but I was not successful.

Could you capture a screen dump of this occurring on your system? You can get this by opening the screen experiencing the issue and pressing CTRL + F9. You should receive a prompt to save a file to your PC. Save this file to your computer and send it to

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:16 am
by Gerd
Hello Scott,

Sorry about the delay, the file is on the way via email.

Re: Movable colums doesn't work properly

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:51 am
by robhathome2
In case it helps, I had exactly the same issue: large grid with plenty of columns (>30), columns would not move (in fact, the column graphic that appears will not go away).

However - I have found a workaround that might lead you to where the issue is. My grid has the column headings soft-coded to a variable. If I reload and change them to have static headings I can move the columns fine.