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Layout managers

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:14 am
by svos
Hi Support team,

I am new to Profound but am an advanced ExtJs developer. I Sencha Designer you have the possibility of specifying a layout within a container (panel, tabpanel, fieldset, etc) so not everything is absolute but you can use (table, anchor, hbox, vbox layouts) to automatically align your components / fields. I tried the mobile device layout sample: ... ng+Layouts. This works partially in that sense that for each button you have to specify the same percentages each time. When you copy the button all left, top, etc these settings are being reset, also the location where you pasted in is not accepted. So if I copy a button and paste this button in another table field, the button is placed on the total canvas in a giant format (not in that table field). The giant button is because I set its width, left, height and top based on percentages. Is there a way to more automatically align / copy paste widgets (fields, buttons) without having to specify each property again?

Thank you in advance!

Siebe Vos

Re: Layout managers

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:10 pm
by Scott Klement
Unfortunately, right now, you're right... it resets the position/size properties when you move it around, and you have to re-type them. This is something that's on our to-do list to change, but I don't know when the updates will be made.

There is an easier way to set these values (in some circumstances), though. On the "Design" tab there are %Height/%Width buttons that are used to set things quickly... They might be worth a look.