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Monospace font in tablet skin subfiles

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:46 pm
by Wayne C.
I'm setting up a tablet skin (Skin2) to be used on the htc EVO View 4G. We have a couple of subfiles where a single 60 character field (in which 14 pieces of information are arranged) comprises a row. So when a user uses this subfile, he sees 14 columns when in reality there is only 1 60 character column.
When this subfile was first displayed in the Genie skin I created for pc's and laptops (Skin1) , the 14 "columns" did not line up vertically due to the default font. When I changed this particular subfile's text font to Monospace, everything lined up perfectly. I've tried the same thing with my Tablet skin but that hasn't worked even though I changed the text font through the designer. When I display this subfile on my pc in Firefox, the font is definitely changed and subsequently, the columns line up.
This is interesting. When I pull up Skin1 in the tablet, this subfile's columns all line up. Is there possibly a problem with the tablet skin or a change I need to make to the CSS?

Re: Monospace font in tablet skin subfiles

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:50 pm
by Scott Klement
So it works in your skin (Skin1) but not in our Tablet skin? Am I understanding that correctly?

Can you post a JSON screenshot so I can try it in our Tablet skin and see what's going on? You can press Ctrl-F9 on the screen with the subfile to make it generate a JSON screenshot. The browser will ask you to download a file called json.txt -- that is the screenshot I need to reproduce your screen on my machine.


Re: Monospace font in tablet skin subfiles

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:11 pm
by Scott Klement
Do you have "detect subfile patterns" turned on in your "Tablet" skin?