This is controlled by a locale file. We have all of the locales for the differnt countries built-in to profound ui, but, you could create your own custom locale that overrides the settings.
To do that, create a file in /www/YOUR-INSTANCE/htdocs/profoundui/userdata/custom/js -- maybe call it something like custom_locale.js. Put the following in that file:
Code: Select all
name: "custom_locale",
text: "English (United Kingdom)",
datePatterns: [
'j F y',
'j F Y',
'l j F y',
'l j F Y',
'D d M y',
'D d M Y',
'j M y',
'j M Y'
timePatterns: [
'g:i a',
'g:i A',
'H:i a',
'H:i A',
'g:i:s a',
'g:i:s A',
'H:i:s a',
'H:i:s A'
timeStampPatterns: [
'D d M Y H:i:s',
'd.m.y g:i A',
'd.m.y g:i a',
'd.m.y H:i:s',
'd/m/y g:i A',
'd/m/y g:i a',
'd/m/y H:i:s',
'd-m-y g:i A',
'd-m-y g:i a',
'd-m-y H:i:s',
'g:i A o\\n n/j/y',
'monthNames': [
'shortMonthNames': [
'dayNames': [
'shortDayNames': [
'weekStart': 0
The important bit is the name at the top ("custom_locale") this is the locale name that you need to use in order to pick up these settings. And the "weekStart" value at the bottom. The default weekStart for the UK is 1 -- but in this case, it's been changed to 0 (for Sunday).