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Deleting Videos Issue.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:22 pm
by jac53
I deleted one of my Videos using Genie Administrator from my TEST skin, I called again to be sure it was deleted, so I was expecting to see the on the fly Genie conversion screen. but I still got the same screen I deleted before. I clean the cache, even I shut doow my machine, I tried in other machine but still the same screen was displayed. I checked the skin and the screen does not exist neither in the screen.lst file.
I copied the one I changed in my Development skin using Genie Administrator to my TEST skin but nothing, is like there is another file from which my deleted video should be deleted as well.

Any ideas of why is it happening? I am in version 4.2.2, IBMi V7R1M0 and using windows 7.


Re: Deleting Videos Issue.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:15 am
by David
As you've found out, Genie stores the screen customization in the skin's /screens directory as a .scn file. There's also a reference to it in the master list file 'screens.lst' there.

When the file is deleted, that shoudl be the end of it. The files shouldn't get cached, but it is possible. However, it looks like you've tried clearing the cache already.

This leads me to think that maybe one of two things has happened:

1. Is it possible that the file was deleted from the wrong skin?

2. Is it possible that there is a duplicate designer customization for this screen? Genie has no real knowledge of your screen -- it bases its recognition on text pattern detection. I.e. your screen identifiers that you select. It's possible to create 2 customizations for the same screen with different identifers. In this case, if you delete 1, this still leaves the other for Genie to pick up on.

When you run Genie, you'll see the recognized screen name in the designer toolbar. This corresponds exactly to the name of the ".scn" file and the reference in the 'screens.lst'.

Is it picking up on a 2nd file that would need to be deleted?

Re: Deleting Videos Issue.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:06 am
by jac53
Hi David:

You were right. I had to active it the Design Tool to check the name of the scn, which was pointing to an existing one with different name. A typo can create a big mess!

Thank you.