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Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:45 pm
by Wayne C.
A screen in our order entry allows a user to enter a discount % and/or the actual discount amount. In our DDS, these 2 fields are coded with a 'B' (both input and output) in the "Use' attribute.
Eventually, the order is posted to our Order History file. At this point, the order can be viewed but not changed. So when a user views an order from history, the above discount % and discount $ amt are visible but protected.
Genie is converting these 2 fields into password fields that are not protected. Essentially, the viewer is not able to see either of the 2 numbers but is able to type over the password characters. If an order is viewed by a user from another branch office, we prevent them from seeing the Discount % and amount (indicators used to activate the Non display and Protect attributes).
When I turn the Designer on for this screen, there is no class assigned to these 2 fields but the field type is 'password field'. So I'm not sure if there is anything to tweak in the CSS. It seems under certain conditions, that fields we have dsignated as Non-dispaly are bing converted into password fields. Other than passwords used to log on, no fields in our system are true password fields. We do need to be able to protect and non-display a data field.

Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:03 pm
by Wayne C.
I think somehow the non-display attribute is throwing things off. Our main order entry screen when viewing an order from our history file works perfectly; all the input is displayed but protected. None of these fields are coded in our DDS as non-display in any circumstance. If I turn on the Designer, the field type for the data fields is 'textbox' and the class is 'A26 readOnly input'

It seems as soon as the non-display attribute is active (or even just coded in the DDS) is when the problem starts.

Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:37 pm
by Antonio
Hello Wayne,

You can override this functionality by modifying the CSS for your skin. I believe the CSS class assigned to these fields is A27. So, to hide the fields, you can use the following CSS code:

INPUT.A27 /* Nondisplay Input */
visibility: hidden;

However, be aware, that when you do this, the password field on your Sign On screen will disappear too. To remedy this, use the Visual Designer on the Sing On screen override the "visibility" property back to visible.

Also, you can verify that A27 is the right CSS class by clicking on the fields in the Genie Designer and checking the "css class" property in the Properties Window. If it's a different class, simply adjust the example I provided.

Let me know if you have anymore questions!


Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:18 pm
by Wayne C.
Thanks Antonio for following up.

"When I turn the Designer on for this screen, there is NO CLASS assigned to these 2 fields but the field type is 'password field'. So I'm not sure if there is anything to tweak in the CSS."

The gist of the problem is that I have a couple of input/output data fields that should be VISIBLE and PROTECTED. Genie is rendering them as password fields (NOT VISIBLE and NOT PROTECTED). That's wrong with both attributes. The ND (non-display) attribute wasn't even turned on in the DDS. Maybe that's a clue. There is no data field on this screen (or anywhere in our system besides the as400 login) that should appear as a password field. In this instance, a user should have the ability to view the data but not change it. That's how it works on our green screen version.

Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:36 pm
by Wayne C.
We have other instances in Genie where we have a data entry screen where the data is visible but protected as it should be. In those cases, the ND attribute does not exist in the DDS specs.
It seems to me this problem occurs when the PR and ND attributes are coded for the same field (even when the ND attribute is not active/turned on for that field.) Below, only *IN44 is ON so data field #3PP5 should be protected but visible... being converted into a password field

A 4 46'Pay %:'
A 43
A #3PP5 5Y 2B 4 53
A 43
A 43
AO 44
AO 46

Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:15 am
by Scott Klement
Is this in a detected subfile? Or a traditional screen?

What would help the most, here, would be a copy of your Genie skin, as well as a JSON screenshot of the malfunctioning screen. That way, we could reproduce the problem on our machine, and troubleshoot it.

It'd probably be easiest to e-mail us this info at

Re: Problem with fields using the ND and PR DDS attributes

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:20 pm
by Wayne C.
Just an update. I tested this program by launching a couple of the other skins that we aren't using in production (and haven't modified the CSS in anyway). In these other skins, everything works fine; the data is visible but protected. The class appears as A26 readOnly input and type is textbox. In my production skin, the field type was listed as a password field and I'm not sure if a class was even listed.
I did modify the CSS prior to all this (only for coloring) but I think it's possible that I threw something out of whack.
In any event, yesterday I went into the designer for the production skin and changed the field type from password to textbox and now the 2 fields, so far, are being rendered correctly in every possible situation.