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How to copy the Screens folder to new Tablet skin.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:33 pm
by jac53
I did a copy of the Table skin and copied the Screen folder from my existing skin because I do not want to redo all the changes again.
I ran PUI0002103 with my new tablet skin as a parmeter because none of changes were recognized. Nothing happended either, still the screen changes are not recognized.

Is there a way to accomplish what I want?

Re: How to copy the Screens folder to new Tablet skin.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:06 pm
by Scott Klement
In your Screens IFS directory, there should be a file named screens.lst that lists all of the screen identifiers and routes them to the proper IFS (the *.scn files) containing the customizations.

What PUI0002103 does is rebuild that screens.lst file by reading the directory, and getting the data from the SCN files in the directory.

If you copied the entire Screens folder, you should not need to run PUI0002103, because the existing screens.lst file should've been copied, too. So, your results aren't what I'd have expected...

Maybe look for authority problems? Make sure the Screens folder is *PUBLIC *RWX, and the *.scn and *.lst files should have *PUBLIC *RW authority.