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Selecting items in multi-line subfiles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:09 pm
by Wayne C.
We have a number of multi-line subfiles functioning within our application software. These subfiles take up 3 rows per item; the selection box being in the first of the 3 rows. I have used the following code (or a variation) in the "onrowclick" event in a standard single line subfile ...

changeElementValue("I_" + (row + 4) + "_1", "X"); pressKey("Enter");

... to place an X in the selection box of a desired row / item. Is there similar code (or another solution) that would enable me to click on any of the 3 rows of the subfile line to select that subfile line? In some instances, I've just thrown the above code in the "onrowclick" event but it doesn't work properly. I've also used code in the "onclick" event of the individual selection boxes. That works, but I think it's kind of schmaltzy and inconsistent with the way the rest of our subfiles are now functioning. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.

Wayne C.

Re: Selecting items in multi-line subfiles

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:52 pm
by Wayne C.
I figured out formula that works. I'm good to go.

changeElementValue("I_" + ((row * 3) + 1) + "_1", "X"); pressKey("Enter");