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New Home Page

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:15 pm
by JJBMcGardd
Atrium Home Page
This is the default home page for Atrium. Home pages allow you to provide some content for your users when the portal starts up. You can customize this content by changing this page, or by configuring your own home page under the Control Panel.

According to the Atrium home page you can create you own home page.
Have unchecked the inherit settings.
I am a administrator and when trying to change the home page in the navagation section and save it nothing happens it just reverts back to the default home page.

Can change the url on default home page and my changes show up fine.

How can we Atrium to accept this change?

Re: New Home Page

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:22 pm
by David
The Home Page selection under Settings allows you to select from a set of pre-defined home pages. You cannot enter URLs there.

To define a home page, you have to go into the Control Panel, then the Navigation tab. From here, you can add an item to the Home Pages section. The home page can be a web page URL, or a PUI or Genie screen.

Once you've created the Home Page entry there, it will appear as an option you can select in Settings. After selecting the home page there, you would have to refresh your session in order to see it change.

Re: New Home Page

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:52 pm
by JJBMcGardd
Done all that after changing the settings cannot save the changes

Re: New Home Page

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:29 am
by David
What version of Profound UI / Atrium are you using?

A ran a quick test just now in the latest (3.3.0) and I was unable to recreate any problem. I tried changing/saving the home page setting at the user, group, and global level, and it seemed to work correctly in all cases.

If you are using the current version and are still having problems, I would recommend contacting technical support so that one of our staff can look at this with you on your system.