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Re: Date Range - auto populate "to" date with "from" date

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:38 pm
by ppbedz
Thanks Guys. I tried both of your suggestions. First I added the alert. The event IS being fired. I moved the code to onblur. The event fired; the code still did not work. I then created a new format with 2 date widgets and applied the code from Dieter. It worked fine. I deleted the date widgets from my existing format and recreated them and added the code from Dieter. It still does not work in my format.

Here is some info that may or may not be useful. Both formats have overlay set to "true". The screen is output as follows in the rpg program:
dow not Exitpgm;
write emplistc1;
exfmt dyncalc1 ;
read emplistc1;

(Both formats contain grids and input is possible via both. That is why I am using that sequence of operations. I recently discovered I could include more than one grid in a format, but Profound would not let me copy the other grid into the main format, so I left them separate.)

Here is the full Profound view:

Re: Date Range - auto populate "to" date with "from" date

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:43 pm
by Scott Klement
While running the program, please press Ctrl-F9. This will download a file to your PC named "json.txt". If you wouldn't mind uploading that file here, that would allow me to run your screen, and then I can poke around and maybe see why it's not working.

Re: Date Range - auto populate "to" date with "from" date

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:57 pm
by ppbedz
It isn't downloading anything. I am using Internet Explorer. Do I need to change any settings so it will do this? Also, at what point do I press Ctrl-F9 and do I continue to hold down until I exit the program?

Thank you, Patti

Re: Date Range - auto populate "to" date with "from" date

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:15 pm
by ppbedz
I just recreated the dates one more time and cut/pasted the code from your post. It IS working now! Thank you everyone for the input! Have a great weekend! Patti

Re: Date Range - auto populate "to" date with "from" date

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:35 pm
by Scott Klement
No need to hold it down. As soon as you press Ctrl-F9, it should ask you to download a file. Not sure why this wouldn't work...

To be clear, you must do this while running your program. (Not in the Visual Designer.)