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Re: Grid Data URL

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:46 pm
by Scott Klement
Okay, so you're referring to the 'data url' feature. That, I am quite familiar with.

I'm getting confused because sometimes you refer to this as a web service, and sometimes you refer to it as a program call, and some of the things you've said make me think that PUI behaves differently for a web service vs. a program call. But, really, there's just one feature named "data url". PUI executes that URL and gets back the results.

There is no separate "program call" vs. "web service" feature. These are just different descriptions (that mean the same thing) about what "data url" calls. Correct? Or am I still confused?

Also, please don't put your own programs in the Profound UI library or name them "PUIxxxx". If you do that, there's a chance that our software might remove your programs during an installation or upgrade. We name all of our programs starting with 'pui' to make it clear that it's part of our package so that it doesn't conflict with your programs.

Hope that makes sense.

Re: Grid Data URL

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:45 pm
by SeanTyree
Hey Scott,
Let me start by pointing out that this was just a test to compare the different methods for populating a grid, so the naming issue and the location of the programs is only for the testing period.

As far as the data URL, I was referring to the 2 different syntaxes for specifying the data URL:
1. As an actual URL that calls the program through the webserver -
2. As a program reference - /profoundui/PUI00030.pgm

I guess internally they are similar, but the URL allows for REST style parameters in the URL.


Re: Grid Data URL

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:19 pm
by Scott Klement
What you are specifying is an absolute URL vs. a relative URL.

The way it works (and this is true of pretty much everything in a document... images, html links, etc.) is that if you leave off the "http://servername" it's considered relative to the current page request.

So if you're currently on "" and you link to "bar/test.html", it's a relative link because "bar/test.html" does not start with http://. so the browser will get "bar/test.html" from "" because the URL is relative to the current page. Or if you specified "/bar/test.html" because it starts with a slash, it starts at the root of the site (much like IFS paths do) so you'd have "" in that case.

This is a feature implemented in the web browsers. It's not specific to PUI (though it works in PUI.)

It should not have any effect on what parameters you can pass, however?