profoundui-framework Example

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profoundui-framework Example

Post by acot_it »

Hi all
i'm new in profoundui framework, i have downloaded it from and found very interesting ...

now i was looking for an example (in RPGLE) that not olny display data, but upadte and delete record (CRUD example ) do any one if exist it ..
pheraps i'm askinng too much

thanks in advance anyway
Scott Klement
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Re: profoundui-framework Example

Post by Scott Klement »

There's a subdirectory called 'examples' included. It includes examples of using CGIDEV2, PHP, RPGsp, and even JavaScript to drive the process.

I realize that there isn't a CRUD example, but the examples do show how to get input from the screen -- therefore, to make a CRUD example, all you'd need to do is get input the same way and use it in your backend program to update/write records.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to write more examples. Maybe you'd like to write one and contribute it back to the project?
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Re: profoundui-framework Example

Post by acot_it »

Hi Scott

thanks for your replay
another question (if possibile), can i install and run the cgidev2 example in my Ibm i ?
if yes , what i have to do ? i suppose :
1-create a Lib where to compile my Ibm i Obj or example HELLOWORLD.rpgle
2-create an HTTP Server for running for example HELLOWORLD.rpgle
3- and then ? .. where i have to save/store HTML/Json/js file (in IFS .. but which folder .. How HELLOWORLD.rpgle link to his HTML/Json/js ) ?

Thanks in advance

Pheraps i need complete suite ProfundUi for running/test this example in Ibm i ?
Scott Klement
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Re: profoundui-framework Example

Post by Scott Klement »

Just to make sure we understand each other:

The open source tool is NOT intended to give you a "taste" of the commercial package. They are not used the same way at all.

The commercial package includes tools like a session controller, open access handler and visual designer that are not in the open source tool. These make Profound UI very easy to use, and allow you to develop powerful applications quickly. If you want to see what the commercial package is like, please download the 30 day trial instead.

The open source package is for advanced web programmers who want to understand the internal workings of our product. This helps avoid "vendor lock-in" because you can see how it works, and even develop your own tool that uses our techniques. But, I must emphasize: This is NOT intended for beginners, and it will NOT give you an idea of what it's like to use our commercial tools.

Now that this is hopefully clear, I will answer your questions:

1) Can you install the CGIDEV2 example on your IBM i? Yes, that is what it's there for. CGIDEV2 is an open source tool from, it is expected that you will have downloaded and learned this already before using the Profound UI framework. We cannot help you learn CGIDEV2.

2) Yes, you'll need a library to put the program in.

3) Yes, the IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache) that's included with the operating system is typically used. We expect you to know how to set up that server and point it to your RPG program. Both IBM and CGIDEV2 provide information on how to do this. We cannot teach you this.

4) Where you put things in the IFS is up to you. The HELLOWORLD.rpgle program demonstrates setting the "view" parameter to point to a URL, this URL is where it'll load the JSON from. Usually this will be in your IFS, but it is up to you to configure the HTTP server to map the URL to point to the right place in the IFS. You can put the example anywhere you like as long as the view URL maps to the right file.

5) No, you do not need the commercial version of Profound UI to use the open source examples. They are just HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JSON files that you can run in your browser. If you do not already understand how a web server uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc through an HTTP server, then I would suggest that this type of programming is too advanced for you at this time. I would suggest that you consider looking into the commercial product as an easier alternative -- not because it's required, but because it does much more of the work for you, so it will make things easier for you.
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Re: profoundui-framework Example

Post by acot_it »

Hi Scott

ok very clear answer

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