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Can you show an example of how, exactly, the Alias keyword is used in the RPG program in order to take advantage of the longer field names from the display?
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Re: Alias

Post by David »

I've attached 2 simple examples, based on our 'Hello World' sample program. There is 1 display file, and 2 RPG programs showing a couple of different techniques. See the notes in the RPG source members.

Due to limitations with the RPG compiler, an EXFMT operation is the only one that can work from a DS with *ALL fields from the record format. For other operations like WRITE, READ, CHAIN, READC, etc., you need to have 1 DS declared with *INPUT fields, and another one declared with *OUTPUT fields, depending on the operation.

The easiest way to manage this requirement is probably to use an EVAL-CORR operation to move the data between the input/output DS as needed.
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Re: Alias

Post by Alex »

If you did not have a chance to watch the following webinar, I would recommend it: ... /page/fm/0

In this link, there is a video recording of the webinar as well as code samples. The ALIAS keyword is demonstrated.
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Re: Alias

Post by DaveLClarkI »

David wrote:Due to limitations with the RPG compiler, an EXFMT operation is the only one that can work from a DS with *ALL fields from the record format. For other operations like WRITE, READ, CHAIN, READC, etc., you need to have 1 DS declared with *INPUT fields, and another one declared with *OUTPUT fields, depending on the operation.

The easiest way to manage this requirement is probably to use an EVAL-CORR operation to move the data between the input/output DS as needed.
I was taught from way back to avoid using EXFMT and just use READ/CHAIN and WRITE/UPDATE for my workstation files -- so this "limitation" fits right in with my mindset. It gets annoying when other programmers look down their noses at me for not using EXFMT. ;-)

So, I defined my file this way:

Code: Select all

      * workstation file
     FACTMTBLD  CF   E             WORKSTN usropn alias qualified
     F                                     indds(wsi) infds(dspfbk)
     F                                     sfile(ACTMTBLS: sflrrn)
     F                                     HANDLER('PROFOUNDUI(HANDLER)')
and my data structures this way:

Code: Select all

      * workstation data structures
     D Screen          DS                  likerec(ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLC:*input)
     D Screen_Out      DS                  likerec(ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLC:*output)
     D Grid            DS                  likerec(ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLS:*input)
     D Grid_Out        DS                  likerec(ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLS:*output)
From there it works well for me -- for example:

Code: Select all

       more_input = *on;               // insure first-time entry into loop
       rebuild_screen = *on;

       dow more_input                  // do until told otherwise
       and pPgmName = PROC_PGM;        // or requested program changes
         callp DisplayTheScreen();     // send display to workstation
         read ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLC Screen; // wait for input
         callp ProcessTheScreen(pPgmName: pKeyData); // process input from workstation
and this abbreviated code for writing the subfile record:

Code: Select all

       clear Screen;                   // clear subfile control data structure
       clear Grid;                     // clear subfile data structure

       wsi.SFLInds = SFL_Clear;        // request subfile clear
       eval-corr Screen_Out = Screen;  // move corresponding input data to output
       write ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLC Screen_Out; // clear subfile
       wsi.SFLInds = SFL_DisplayAll;   // request subfile display

       sflrrn = *zero;                 // initialize subfile record number
       dow TmgTbl_GetTableData( Caller: TmgTbl_View2: TmgTbl_IndAry );
         sflrrn += 1;                  // increment subfile record number

         Grid.S1ID   = TmgTbl_View2.ACTMTABTID;  // set the blind key
         Grid.S1TBLNME = TmgTbl_View2.TBLNME;    // set the table name
         Grid.S1LIBCDE = TmgTbl_View2.LIBCDE;    // set the library code
         Grid.S1TRGENA = TmgTbl_View2.TRGENAFLG; // set the enabled flag
         Grid.S1RMVTRG = TmgTbl_View2.RMVTRGFLG; // set the remove flag
         Grid.S1TBLDSC = %xlate( CrsApp_InvChrs: CrsApp_Periods
                       : %trimr(TmgTbl_View2.TBLDSC) ); // set the table description

         eval-corr Grid_Out = Grid;    // move corresponding input data to output
         write ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLS Grid_Out; // write to subfile

       enddo;                          // loop for more master rows
       TmgTbl_GetTableData('*CLOSE');  // close the lookup table

       maxrrn = sflrrn;                // save last record number as max
       wsi.SFLEnd_52 = *on;            // set subfile end indicator on
and this for writing the subfile control record:

Code: Select all

       if (maxrrn = *zero);            // if no subfile records present
         wsi.SFLInds = SFL_CtlOnly;    // turn off display of subfile

       eval-corr Screen_Out = Screen;  // move corresponding input data to output
       write ACTMTBLD.ACTMTBLC Screen_Out; // write subfile control format
My next step is to go full 100% free RPG. ;-)
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