Macro with <close /> creating joblog

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Macro with <close /> creating joblog

Post by BrianJGarland »

We are using macros in conjunction with puissoexit to automatically sign on, run a program and then do a <close /> to close the session.

We are seeing job log spooled files being generated. In the past, we did not get them.

The last message in the job log is

Code: Select all

 CPF1386 DSCJOB is not valid.   
Is this from what Profound UI does to close the session, or some configuration setting on our end? Any suggestions on how to stop the job logs in this situation?

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Profound Logic Staff Member
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Re: Macro with <close /> creating joblog

Post by jaliling »

Hi Brian,

Profound UI issues the DSCJOB command (Disconnect Job) when a Genie session ends. That is the normal behavior. Depending on how your system is configured, a job log may be created when DSCJOB executes. This could be the cause that you're seeing entries in the job log. However, the error mentioned from the log you provided doesn't seem to be normal and we would like to investigate this further.

Could you send us the macro file you're using?

Please send us an email at so we could assist you better with this problem.

Best regards,
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