as we usually do on green screen, we would like to inform the user about who is eventually locking a record. In green screen we show position 91-170 of sds, but in Profound Environment we don't get the name of the user locking the record (the user is logged with his own profile).
How do we get this information?
Thanks in advance,
I've tried to search for a past reply on this topic but couldn't find it!
How to retrieve user who is locking a record
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Re: How to retrieve user who is locking a record
What do you mean by "Profound Environment"? Profound makes many different products, which one are you using? How are you running this program?
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Re: How to retrieve user who is locking a record
I'm using a Rich Display File (DDS made with Profound UI Visual Designer) and RPG program. The program is run from a browser.
In the RPG program I read SDS position 91-170 when the CHAIN(E) operation gives back an error.
I hope I gave you the information you have asked,
In the RPG program I read SDS position 91-170 when the CHAIN(E) operation gives back an error.
I hope I gave you the information you have asked,
- Experienced User
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- Company Name: Profound Logic
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Re: How to retrieve user who is locking a record
I'd like to clarify that the Program Status Data Structure (PSDS) is not under Profound UI's control. This is created by RPG inside IBM's code. If we do find a problem here, Profound Logic will not be able to help, we'll need to contact IBM for assistance.
However, I could not find a problem.
You said that it isn't working in a profound environment -- you didn't mention what you meant by that, except that it was in a web browser (which is the only possible way to run a Rich Display). Since there are only three possible environments where Rich Displays can run, I just went ahead and tried all of them.
1. In a Genie (5250) session.
2. In the Rich Display Controller (/profoundui/start or Atrium's launcher for a Rich Display)
3. In an anonymous session.
In all of these environments, it worked as expected.
The way I tested this was by creating a simple Rich Display that reads a record and puts the error message from position 91 of the PSDS on the screen. Or, if the record is read successfully, it simply says that it was successful. The RPG code follows:
The display I tested with is also very simple, it just shows a small panel with the message and buttons to try again or exit:
When I run it, it shows the message from the PSDS, as expected:
I don't know what else to try. Can you tell me what must be done to reproduce the problem?
However, I could not find a problem.
You said that it isn't working in a profound environment -- you didn't mention what you meant by that, except that it was in a web browser (which is the only possible way to run a Rich Display). Since there are only three possible environments where Rich Displays can run, I just went ahead and tried all of them.
1. In a Genie (5250) session.
2. In the Rich Display Controller (/profoundui/start or Atrium's launcher for a Rich Display)
3. In an anonymous session.
In all of these environments, it worked as expected.
The way I tested this was by creating a simple Rich Display that reads a record and puts the error message from position 91 of the PSDS on the screen. Or, if the record is read successfully, it simply says that it was successful. The RPG code follows:
Code: Select all
ctl-opt dftactgrp(*no);
dcl-f LOCKTESTD workstn handler('PROFOUNDUI(HANDLER)');
dcl-f PRODP disk usage(*input:*update);
dcl-ds test psds;
errmsg char(80) pos(91);
dou exit = *on;
chain(e) 9 prodp;
if %error;
msg = errmsg;
msg = 'Record locked successfully';
exfmt result;
*inlr = *on;
Code: Select all
A 1 2HTML('{"screen":{"record format nam-
A e":"result"},"items":[{"id":"Layout-
A 1","field type":"layout","css class-
A ":"blueprint-defaults","left":"5px"-
A ,"top":"75px","body theme":"bluepri-
A nt-white-body","css class 2":"bluep-
A rint-panel","header text":"Record L-
A ock Test","header theme":"blueprint-
A -light-blue-header","height":"205px-
A ","template":"css panel","width":"3-
A 15px"},{"id":"HtmlContainer1","fiel-
A d type":"html container","css class-
A ":"blueprint-defaults","left":"20px-
A ","top":"15px","css class 2":"bluep-
A rint-wrapping-text","height":"75px"-
A ,"html":{"fieldName":"msg","dataLen-
A gth":"80","trimLeading":"false","tr-
A imTrailing":"true","blankFill":"fal-
A se","rjZeroFill":"false","dataType"-
A :"char","formatting":"Text","textTr-
A ansform":"none","designValue":"[msg-
A ]"},"white space":"normal","width":-
A "270px","border bottom style":"soli-
A d","border left style":"solid","bor-
A der right style":"solid","border to-
A p style":"solid","layout":"Layout1"-
A ,"container":"1"},{"id":"Button1","-
A field type":"button","css class":"b-
A lueprint-button","value":"Repeat","-
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A ss 2":"blueprint-alt-defaults","hei-
A ght":"30px","width":"100px","respon-
A se":{"fieldName":"repeat","customTr-
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A ","indFormat":"1 / 0"},"layout":"La-
A yout1","container":"1"},{"id":"Grap-
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A utton","css class":"pui-solid-butto-
A n-no","value":"Exit","left":"180px"-
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A rint-defaults","height":"30px","ico-
A n":"material:clear","icon position"-
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A ator","formatting":"Indicator","ind-
A Format":"1 / 0"},"shortcut key":"En-
A ter","layout":"Layout1","container"-
A :"1"}]}')
I don't know what else to try. Can you tell me what must be done to reproduce the problem?
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